About RC&D

Valley Senior Center participants were provided with weather radios in a 2023 project within Chambers County. This is one of many projects this fiscal year that represents how RC&D is an organization that allows for Local People solving Local Problems! Some of the recipients are pictured above and many homebound seniors also received weather radios. People + Partners + Projects + Progress

The Whole Picture

RC&D was initially started back in the 1960’s to address rural poverty and help rural communities generate sustainable natural resource-based economies.  Although today many RC&D Areas are not rural and are not poor, the need for the RC&D concept is just as strong as ever. RC&D is collaborative, multi-leveled, action-oriented, and inclusive.  And, sometimes, “RC&D” is difficult to explain and difficult to quantify. However, the effect of the RC&D approach to solving community problems involving local people in voluntary, empowering ways can be felt with almost every RC&D project that happens across the country.

The RC&D Program

The purpose of the RC&D program is to accelerate the conservation, development and utilization of natural resources, improve the general level of economic activity, and to enhance the environment and standard of living in designated RC&D areas.

The RC&D Council

The RC&D Council is the heart of the RC&D concept.  The Council is a membership-based nonprofit entity that is established and run by volunteers to carry out the mission of RC&D.  The Council is composed of members that are key community leaders in soil and water conservation, government, and community development. They are the steering committee and action team to implement the “Area Plan”, a community-driven strategic long-range plan to improve the quality of life in the communities in the RC&D Area.

The RC&D Council members need to be action-oriented volunteers and leaders that help the Council address needs in the community through good planning and project implementation.  In this “make it happen” style, the Council also periodically evaluates its progress on the Area Plan and gathers input from the community.  The Council members represent all the counties of the Area.

The RC&D Council’s Board of Directors

The Board of Directors manage the affairs of the RC&D Council as an incorporated 501(c)(3) organization. The Board formally approves the Area Plan, mission, policies, budget, projects, and hiring of Council Staff.  Board members have legal and fiduciary responsibilities. Essentially, the Board of Directors ensures that the organization is well-managed and running properly in order to obtain the objectives of the RC&D Council.

The RC&D Staff

The RC&D Staff, along with volunteer Board and Council Members, other volunteers and partners help implement the goals of the RC&D Council. Staff is hired by the Board to implement the long range goals, policies, and organizational operations that have all been approved by the Board.

RC&D 101

It’s the community-driven collaboration and communication that goes on between all these pieces of RC&D that make it work.  The RC&D network is a powerful way to help people change their communities for the better. 

Get involved with Coosa Valley RC&D Council and help make a positive impact!!!!